Friday, 30 January 2015


Our students have been getting creative: composing and presenting a response to the statement  “WHY WE CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT BOOKS”

World Book Day has set a creative challenge to celebrate reading for pleasure! WoBoD is the brand new World Book Day Award, to celebrate the tremendous work that promote Reading for Pleasure in schools.

Thanks to the HUGE generosity of the bestselling author of the Middle School series, James Patterson, They have the opportunity to offer 5 schools up to £10,000 of books to transform their school library.
Our winning groups entry was chosen by the English faculty staff and features some Year 10 students from Miss Gill’s English class. They created some fabulous outfits (made from pages of old books) and put on a fashion show to show off their fabulous designs!

Friday, 23 January 2015

Year 11 Mock Interview Day

Our Year 11 students are in full flow, at this time of the year,  preparing for their future.  As well as applying for college places and apprenticeships, they are readying themselves for the world of work. 

On Friday 23rd January, all Year 11 students took part in a Mock Interview Day, where local business' gave up their time to hold a morning of interviews.  This gave our students a real opportunity to experience what it will be like to go through the process of looking for work in the future.

All students were required to officially apply for the vacancies on offer and supply a current CV and letter of application.  They worked hard on this with the valuable support from their Form Tutors. 
We encouraged them to take this opportunity seriously and imagine that this was a real job that they were applying for.  We, as a school were really impressed by the efforts of our Year 11 students as they made a real effort to showcase their talents. First impressions count and most of the students realised this by turning up to school in appropriate business attire that was suitable for their interviews.

The feedback they were given by the interviewers was invaluable and will certainly hold them in good stead when they start to search for their dream job in the future.
Hopefully with this experience they will go on to be very successful candidates.